torsdag 19 september 2024

The Story of the Popsicle

 Learn more about Frank Epperson! (Yes, he's a real person!) 

måndag 15 maj 2023

The true story of Lawrence Anthony - The Elephant Whisperer

Today, you are going to read a story called "The Elephants Said Goodbye". Start off by watching this short video. Are there any similiar scenes in your text? 

måndag 24 april 2023

A Record Hard to Beat

Learn more about Vesna Vulovic and her amazing World Record! 


fredag 27 januari 2023

Anne Frank

 Watch this video to learn more about Anne Frank

fredag 28 oktober 2022

torsdag 20 oktober 2022

torsdag 13 oktober 2022


What special talent would you like to have? 

Child Prodigies - Are They Born this Way or Cultivated? Watch the video and find out more about some young people with great talents! 

Watch one or both videos and write down some thoughts you get from watching.

Learn more about Picasso! 
Write down 5 facts. Do you like his paintings? Why/Why not?